May 2018 Chapter Meeting
Sponsored by Deere and Ault
TUESday, May 8, 2018
Speaker: Christoph Goss, Deere and Ault
Gold King Mine Rehabilitation (tentative title)
5:30 PM
Trailhead Taphouse & Kitchen
811 12th Street, Golden CO 80401
Reservation deadline is noon on Monday, May 7
Dinner is available, but not included. Please order from the menu when you arrive. Plan to finish eating before the talk begins at 7 pm.
Thank You to our 2018 Student Night Sponsors!
Kimberlite Level ($500)
Anonymous Former Student Night Award Recipient
Rhodochrosite Level ($250)
RJH Consultants, Inc.
Deere & Ault Consultants Inc.
Susan Steele Weir
BGC Engineering Inc.
Molybdenum Level ($100)
William K. (Bill) Smith
Ed Friend
Peggy Ganse
Bock and Clark
Galena Level ($50)
Wendy Zhou
Kevin Mininger
Ed Church
Quartz Level ($25)
Paul Santi
Jill Carlson
Jerry Higgins
Kami Deputy Gardella